There are presently no open calls for submissions.

3 Mile Harbor Press is currently accepting submissions for our 8th Annual Book Award. The winner will receive a 500 dollar award, and the publication of their book as a perfect-bound edition. The winner will also receive 25 author copies. 


The author must hold all rights to their submitted work. Manuscripts may include poems that have been previously published in periodicals, anthologies chapbooks, or on the web, but the manuscript may not have been published as a larger body of work. 

Send a manuscript of 48-88 pages in a single document via our online submissions manager, Submittable. 

  • The text must be written in English. 
  • We DO NOT accept AI or computer generated poetry manuscripts or individual poems within that manuscript, so please only submit human-created work!
  • Please do not include your name or any other identifying material on the manuscript.  
    Include a cover letter with the submissions manager links with your writer's bio including publications, (no publications are necessary).  This will not be visible to the judges.
  • Include a title page and Table of Contents page. 
  • If applicable, after the Table of Contents page, please include an acknowledgments page, this a list of poems that have published in journals, magazines, chapbooks, or anthologies.
  • Each poem should start on a new page.  
  • Use Times New Roman or a similar 12 point font, with at least one-inch margins and pagination (numbered pages).
  • Simultaneous submissions are acceptable, but please notify Three Mile Harbor Press by officially withdrawing your work from the Submittable if your work is accepted elsewhere. 
  • Please include a one-paragraph writer's bio and your contact information in your cover letter (also via Submittable).
  • Please be sure that your submission is your final version. Corrections and new versions will not be accepted.
  • We only accept manuscripts via our Submittable.
  • The reading fee is non-refundable.
  • TMHP has the right to cancel the contest if there are not enough contestants.
  • TMHP reserves the right not to choose a winner for any given year of the competition if the entries are not up to the publisher's aesthetic vision and/or publishing standards.
  • The publisher also has the right to determine the ineligibility of the winner given the eligibility requirements of the competition.
  • Eligibility for the prize, including both the prize money and publication by TMHP, is contingent on the writer’s agreeing to the terms of the Press’s publishing agreement/contract which is non-negotiable. To be eligible for the prize and publication, the contract sent by TMHP to the prospective prize winner must be returned signed and in the hand of the publisher. 
  •  If TMHP's initial relationship with a winning poet becomes challenged by a lack of professionalism and/or marked creative differences generated by the winning author, the publisher reserves the right to rescind the award.

Three Mile Harbor readers will do an initial blind reading of each entry and nominate the finalists. The publisher/editor will choose the winning entry from among the finalists. The final decision is at the sole discretion of the publisher.